P5s Meet the Minister for Children and Young People
P5s Shared Calls to Action with Clare Haughey MSP
The P5 class from Calderwood Primary School met with Clare Haughey MSP on MS Teams on Friday morning to discuss their calls to action, ahead of COP26. They were supported by their class teacher, MS Haughey’s office and Children’s Parliament.
Four children shared their specific demands with Ms Haughey:
A local allotment for all communities to harvest and plant crops.
One child had harvest 60 potatoes with his Mum from their allotment, which had made lots of jacket potatoes!
More bike lanes built.
If we could encourage more people to use bikes, we would be able to reduce our levels of pollution.
Stop cutting down trees
Trees keep us healthy. If we cut them down and release all of that carbon into the atmosphere, we might die.
Stop littering
Littering harms the environment; this is particularly important when it comes to plastic on our beaches.