Young People Advocate for Adoption of the Plant Based Treaty in Glasgow
Young people from the Plant Based Treaty group in Glasgow spoke to Paul Sweeney MSP to launch a Glasgow Critical Mass bike ride through the city centre.
Paul Sweeney MSP Heard Young People’s Demands for Glasgow

The Plant Based Treaty is driven by young people in Glasgow. Their aim to is to get the Glasgow City Council to adopt the treaty, to help reduce the degradation and impact of industrial animal farming on the planet.
Kat Chan from PBT, pictured above, said that “Glasgow has declared a climate emergency, and going plant-based is necessary to become net zero by 2030. We’re trying to get politicians, governments, and cities to endorse the Plant Based Treaty which encourages plant-based diet change to help avert a climate catastrophe.”
The young people of the Plant Based Treaty are urging Glasgow to adopt the following three principles to take action on food systems and climate change:
Website: https://plantbasedtreaty.org/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/plantbasedtreaty
Twitter: https://twitter.com/Plant_Treaty